Friday, July 12, 2013

Holy Spirit and Fire

"Be someone whom the devil fears, instead of living a life fearing the devil."

                                                                                            -Jenno Marco Misa

     From the time the LORD prophesied in the garden of Eden that Jesus Christ will be born through a virgin to save mankind, Satan tried to stop Him from being born and did desperate acts, even to the point of corrupting the seeds of mankind. 

     When Jesus was born, Satan had the young male children killed, thinking to kill Jesus before He coube sacrificed as the Lamb of God.

     When Jesus rose from the dead, Satan tried to terminate all the disciples who were witnesses of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. 

     Before Jesus ascended, He said that He will not leave us as orphans and that He will send another Helper (Holy Spirit) who will be our Intercessor, Advocate, and Counselor. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Holy Trinity and when you get baptized by His Fire (the Fire of Yahweh), you will be speaking in tongues and in groaning which cannot be uttered. Now that Jesus has risen and that the Holy Spirit has been given, Satan's modus operandum is to accuse those who possess the Holy Spirit ,who speak in tongues, of being possessed by the demon (the same accusation he threw on Jesus). 

     Notice that we all have the Triune God, Father, Son, and Spirit. No wonder Satan is so threatened and so fearful that he now wants to stop this truth from spreading and keeps perverting it. He knows that when we are baptized by the Holy Spirit, Jesus can heal the sick through us, cast out demons through us, trample on serpents and the dark forces, and remind Satan of his shameful defeat 2,000 years ago at the cross of Calvary when Jesus crushed his head and rendered him powerless.

     Friends, let's not belittle the third Person of the Holy Trinity. He is the very Spirit of God poured out unto us for our very own advantage. Let us not be ashamed to continue speaking in tongues and be someone whom the devil fears, instead of living a life fearing the devil.

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